I have below code for class IImporter
which is working fine till now. I received many zip files everyday which contains name as 'EQUFULLFILE'
in a directory and i am trying to read files from this directory and process it in database table 'EquData'
or 'NonEquData'
accordingly. Before processing i am just trying to delete all the data from this database table.
But i found issue in my code. Sometimes when i dont receive any files in directory either 'EQUFULLFILE' or 'NONEQUFULLFILE'
it just deletes the data from database table.
I just need to modify my code little bit to adapt logic such that when i dont receive any files in directory as 'EQUFULLFILE'
then it should not delete any data from database table 'EquData'
. When i dont receive any files in directory as'NONEQUFULLFILE'
then it should not delete any data from database table 'NonEquData'
Any suggestion please ?
public class IImporter {
private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IImporter.class);
private final static String EQU_FILE_TAG = "EQUFULLFILE";
private final static String NONEQU_FILE_TAG = "NONEQUFULLFILE";
private boolean isEquity;
private IFullreader IFullreader;
private ZipWalker zipWalker;
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public void importDir(Path indir) throws IOException {
log.info("Delete all table DATA");
//here the logic should be changed and based on file name table should be deleted
sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from EquData").executeUpdate();
sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from NonEquData").executeUpdate();
log.info("Process directory" + indir.toString());
Files.walk(indir, 1, FOLLOW_LINKS)
.filter(f -> f.toString().endsWith(".zip"))
.forEach(f -> zipWalker.processZipFile(f, this::importFile));
private void importFile(Path path) {
this.isEquity = path.getFileName().toString().contains(EQU_FILE_TAG);
if (isEquity) {
//code for reading data from file EQUFULLFILE
else {
//code for reading data from file NONEQUFULLFILE
You have EQU_FILE_TAG defined twice. I suspect that's a typo.
How about this?
public class IImporter {
private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IImporter.class);
private final static String EQU_FILE_TAG = "EQUFULLFILE";
private final static String NONEQU_FILE_TAG = "NONEQUFULLFILE";
private boolean isEquity;
private boolean equFileFirstTime = true;
private boolean nonequFileFirstTime = true;
private IFullreader IFullreader;
private ZipWalker zipWalker;
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public void importDir(Path indir) throws IOException {
log.info("Process directory" + indir.toString());
Files.walk(indir, 1, FOLLOW_LINKS)
.filter(f -> f.toString().endsWith(".zip"))
.forEach(f -> zipWalker.processZipFile(f, this::importFile));
private void importFile(Path path) {
this.isEquity = path.getFileName().toString().contains(EQU_FILE_TAG);
if (isEquity) {
if (equFileFirstTime) {
log.info("Delete EQUFULLFILE table DATA");
sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from EquData").executeUpdate();
equFileFirstTime = false;
//code for reading data from file EQUFULLFILE
else {
if (nonequFileFirstTime) {
log.info("Delete NONEQUFULLFILE table DATA");
sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("delete from NonEquData").executeUpdate();
nonequFileFirstTime = false;
//code for reading data from file NONEQUFULLFILE