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How can I draw an upright triangle of asterisks aka stars?

I am a bachelor's degree student in computer science and I wanted to know how to change this assembly code with the gotoxy x,y command to show the stars in the output as shown in the picture below.


nextline macro
    mov ah,2
    mov dl,13
    int 21h
    mov dl,10
    int 21h

gotoxy macro x,y
     mov dl,x
     mov dh,y
     mov bh,0
     mov ah,2
     int 10h
 .STACK 64

   msg1  DB  'Enter a number : $'
   msg2  DB  'Wrong number!!$'
   n     db  ?
   x     db  0
   y     db  0

     MOV AX, @DATA             
     MOV DS, AX
     LEA DX, msg1           
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H

     MOV AH, 1                
     INT 21H
     cmp al,'1'
     jl  l4 
     cmp al,'9'
     jg  l4
     jmp l5  
l4:  nextline
     LEA DX, msg2           
     MOV AH, 9
     INT 21H 
     jmp l3 

l5:  sub al,'0'
     mov n,al

     mov cl,1 
     mov ch,1

     mov al,n
     sub al,ch
     mov x,al
     mov y,cl
     gotoxy x,y      
     mov dl,'*'
     mov ah,2
     int 21h
     inc ch
     cmp ch,cl
     jle l2

     inc cl
     cmp cl,n
     jle l1     

     MOV AH, 4CH                 
     INT 21H



  • It helps if you make a table with what you want to see on the screen:

    row indentation asterisks
    1 4 1
    2 3 3
    3 2 5
    4 1 7
    5 0 9

    and then see the regularity of it all and how to produce the numbers knowing that n=5:

    row indentation asterisks
    1 4 = (n - 1) 1 = (1 + 1) - 1
    2 3 = (n - 2) 3 = (2 + 2) - 1
    3 2 = (n - 3) 5 = (3 + 3) - 1
    4 1 = (n - 4) 7 = (4 + 4) - 1
    5 0 = (n - 5) 9 = (5 + 5) - 1
    row n - row row + row - 1
         mov cl, 1     ; Row from 1 to 5
         mov al, n     ; Indentation AL = (n - row)
         sub al, cl
         mov x, al     ; \
         mov y, cl     ; |
         gotoxy x,y    ; / This could easily become "GOTOXY AL, CL",
                       ;   no longer needing the x and y variables
         mov dl, '*'
         mov bl, cl    ; Number of asterisks BL = (row + row - 1)
         add bl, cl
         dec bl
         mov ah, 02h   ; DOS.PrintCharacter
         int 21h
         dec bl
         jnz T2
         inc cl        ; Next row
         cmp cl, n
         jbe T1