This is my current query :
select * from modeles JOIN marques ON modeles.marque_id = marques.marque_id
I would like to add a column to the returned data called "isActive" and it should contain TRUE or FALSE (or 1 / 0) depending on whether another table (modeles_scrape) contains a row where modeles.display_name = modeles_scrape.marque
So, expected result :
I undertand this is a question that has been asked already but the solutions I have found join the modeles_scrape table, which is not what I'm trying to achieve.
You can use exists
and a correlated subquery:
select mo.*, ma.*, -- better enumerate the columns you want here
exists (select 1 from modeles_scrape ms where ms.marque = ma.display_name ) as isactive
from modeles mo
inner join marques ma using(marque_id)