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How to decode jwt token in POSTMAN?

I want to decode jwt token that I received using Postman and implement it in REST API. How can I do that? I saw people posted code to decode the jwt token (reference: How to decode jwt token in javascript without using a library?) but I dont understand how to do it in postman? What url needed to decode the jwt? What headers, authorisation needed?


  • Postman supports crypto-js library :

    Add below example to postman test script:

    let CryptoJs = require('crypto-js');
    let jwt = `eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ0b3B0YWwuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDI2NDIwODAwLCJodHRwOi8vdG9wdGFsLmNvbS9qd3RfY2xhaW1zL2lzX2FkbWluIjp0cnVlLCJjb21wYW55IjoiVG9wdGFsIiwiYXdlc29tZSI6dHJ1ZX0.UsrGn95rk5DStcC_WwIr3WIv5rHe2IApX56I58l8uyo`
    a = jwt.split('.');
    //a.forEach(function (val) {
        var words = CryptoJs.enc.Base64.parse(a[1]);
        var textString = CryptoJs.enc.Utf8.stringify(words);


    enter image description here

    The hmacSHA256 is not an encryption algorithm but an Hashing algorithm so there is no way to decode it as hashing is one-way function.

    as the last part is in the form

    HMACSHA256 of ( base64(header) + "." + base64(body) )

    you can try creating it and equating both are equal