i got a problem while finishing this task. https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/30-2d-arrays/problem. It is because while trying to finish with this algorithm, i got weird result.
function main(arr) {
let max;
let sum;
for(let a=0; a<arr.length-2; a++){
for(let b=0; b<arr.length-2; b++){
sum =
arr[a][b] + arr[a][b+1] + arr[a][b+2] +
arr[a+1][b+1] +
arr[a+2][b] + arr[a+2][b+1] + arr[a+2][b+2];
if(!max || sum > max){
max = sum;
[-1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, -9, 2, -4, -4, 0],
[-7, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, -1, -2, -4, 0],
i got result -2 instead of 0. that mean negative number here > 0. why this happen?
This is happening because of the !max part in your code. As you can see when max === 0
in that case the if part becomes,
if(!0 && -9 > 0) {
Although -9>0
is false but as !0 ===
true, the if block becomes,
if(!false || false) => if(true || false) => if(true)
That is why we are updating the max value.
Now to solve your problem what you can do is set max = -Infinity
at the very first line of your code and remove the !max
part from the if block. So your method will be,
function main(arr) {
let max = -Infinity;
let sum;
for(let a=0; a<arr.length-2; a++){
for(let b=0; b<arr.length-2; b++){
sum =
arr[a][b] + arr[a][b+1] + arr[a][b+2] +
arr[a+1][b+1] +
arr[a+2][b] + arr[a+2][b+1] + arr[a+2][b+2];
if( sum > max){
max = sum;
[-1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, -9, 2, -4, -4, 0],
[-7, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, -1, -2, -4, 0],