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Firebase firestore : Unhandled Rejection (RangeError): Maximum call stack size exceeded

Started playing around with createAsyncThunk for learning purpose, decided to implement a shopping cart with firebase firestore but I ran into problems when trying to implement pagination in my react app.

How should I return the last visible state into my redux state during the initial load and subsequent load (infinite loading)

I am basing on code from redux tutorial sandbox :, but instead of connecting to a fake api, I am using firebase firestore.

Code to fetch product from firestore : ProductSlice.js

const InitialState = {
   products : [],
   status: 'idle',
   error: null,
   last: null, //to hold lastVisible when fetching data from firestore

export const fetchProducts = createAsyncThunk(types.RECEIVE_PRODUCTS, async (limit) => {
   const resp = await fire_base_product.firestore()

   let result = resp.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
      const lastVisible =[ - 1] //how set this to redux state

      const products => {
         return {}

      return { 
         products: products, 
         lastVisible: lastVisible

   return result;

I am not quite sure on how to set this lastVisible data back into redux state, is it possible to do that with reference?


Tried to return both product list and last visible as an array and assign lastVisible in createSlice as stated below:

const productSlice = createSlice({
   reducers: {},
      [fetchProducts.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
         state.products = state.products.concat(action.payload.products)
         state.last = action.payload.lastVisible // this causes call stack error


With the above coding, two error will be reported if I run react app,

  1. Trying to assign non serialize value into redux state error message: non-serialize value

  2. Maximum call stack size exceeded in firestore call stack size exceeded

I then tried to add middleware serializableCheck during create configuration as below:

export default configureStore({
   middlleware: getDefaultMiddlleWare({
      serializableCheck: {
         //ignore action type
         ignoredActions : ['RECEIVE_PRODUCTS/fulfilled']
         // ignore path
         ignoredPath: ['products.last']
   ... // reducer codes

Even though now I have dismissed the first error, call stack exceeded still exists. Does anyone knows why this is happening ? Feel free to discuss if there is any workaround on this. Thanks.

Edit 2

Similar approach works when using context but does not work when using redux. Do I need to wrap return in promise as suggested in Firebase Unhandled error RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded ?


  • Did not managed to find a way to save lastVisible, but I found a workaround by just keeping track of the last retrieve id of my firestore data by saving it into redux state.

    export const fetchProducts = createAsyncThunk(types.RECEIVE_PRODUCTS, async (limit) => {
       const resp = await fire_base_product.firestore()
       let result = resp.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
          var lastVisible = limit - 1; //only keep track of ID so we can avoid saving un-serialize coded
          const products => {
             return {}
          return { 
             products: products, 
             lastVisible: lastVisible
       return result;

    And when during fetch of additional data we can then access the state by using getState() as below:

    export const fetchMoreProducts = createAsyncThunk(types.LOAD_MORE_PRODUCTS, async (limit, {getState}) => {
        const last = getState().products.last
        var newProducts = await firebase_product.firestore()
        const result = newProducts.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
                var lastVisible = last + limit;
                const products = => {
                    return { }
                return {
                    products : products, 
                    lastVisible: lastVisible
        // return retrieved data from firebase 
        return result

    But doing this, I could skip the serialization check config all together as well. Not sure if this is the correct way, but this is how I got pagination working. Feel free to let me know if there is other way to approach this.