I'm writing a loop to go through a 3d array and display the contents of [0][0][0] through [0][2][4]. It displays and acts normal from [0][0][0] through [0][0][4], but after that it jumps to [0][2][0] instead of to [0][1][0]. I can't figure out why that is myself if anyone could correct my mistake.
a, b, c, d, and e are all integer variables. at the beginning of this loop i initialized b as 0, c as 1, d as 0, and e as 1.
for (int a = 0; a < students;)
cout << "Let's help Student #" << e << "!" << endl;
cout << "Question #" << c << ":" << endl;
cout << math_rooms[0][a][b] << endl;
cin >> math_rooms[0][a][b];
cout << " " << endl;
if (math_rooms[0][a][b] != math_answers[0][a][b])
//Set up the error variable so we keep track of pass/fail
cout << "Sorry, that was incorrect." << endl;
cin >> math_rooms[0][a][b];
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "That's correct!" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
//Increment b and c to go through all questions/keep track of question #.
b++, c++;
//Set up loop that checks pass_fail on final question.
if (d >= 3)
cout << "Sorry, you failed the test." << endl;
pass_fail = false;
return pass_fail;
} while (b < questions);
//restart counter
c = 1;
//Increment a so that it changes to the next student & f so that it keeps track of the student #.
a++, e++;
So essentially, the loop works fine until it increments the a variable. It starts at 0 and then when it's supposed to increment to 1 it goes to 2 instead. IDK why?
You need to reset the value of b each time the for loop is executed