I'm trying to find a way to get the same predictive search results that shows under the Google search bar as your typing. I'm not talking about custom search for a specific site either. I thought this wasn't possible until I came across a new tab page extension from the chrome store.
Their search bar predictions matches Google's exactly. What source are they getting that data from? Are there any other predictive search services/APIs that anyone can recommend?
By looking at the extension's source code, this URL:
It's the same API that Google uses on its search page. But that API is protected by CORS policy, so it can't be accessed from any webpage. A browser extension can, because it's granted more rights. To use it, you would need a proxy server (either your own, or a free one, such as the one in the example below).
const searchInput = document.getElementById('search'),
suggestionsList = document.getElementById('suggestions');
searchInput.addEventListener('input', autocomplete);
function autocomplete() {
const q = searchInput.value;
const proxy = 'https://cors-everywhere.herokuapp.com/';
fetch(`${proxy}https://google.com/complete/search?client=firefox&hl=en&q=${q}`, {
headers: { origin: 'google.com' }
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
suggestionsList.innerHTML = res[1].map(x => `<li>${x}</li>`).join('')
<input id="search" value="foo" />
<ul id="suggestions"></ul>
We can't answer that here, as it's off-topic. This type of questions tend to attract opinionated answers and spam.