I have three test projects. All of them referenced from the Model project:
I created the TestBase class in the Model project and using it as the base class of all test classes. Inheritance looks like this:
public class UnitTest1 : TestBase
public void TestMethod1()
In TestBase I have TestInitialize:
public void Initialize()
public void Cleanup()
//Do some
SingletonClass is a static class that needs in tests. I need to initiate it once so I am doing this:
public static class SingletonClass
public static bool IsInitiated { get; set; }
public static void Initiate()
if (!IsInitiated)
IsInitiated = true;
//Do some
It is working fine when I run tests of one project, but when I run all it is initiating it 3 times(took 15 seconds). Is there any way to run it only once when I run all tests?
Finally, I found a solution. I merged all projects into a new project (AllTests) using ILRepack:
<!-- ILRepack -->
<Target Name="ILRepack" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">
<InputAssemblies Include="$(OutputPath)MainTest.dll" />
<InputAssemblies Include="$(OutputPath)FIrst.dll" />
<InputAssemblies Include="$(OutputPath)Second.dll" />
<InputAssemblies Include="$(OutputPath)Third.dll" />
<Message Text="MERGING: @(InputAssemblies->'%(Filename)') into $(OutputAssembly)" Importance="High" />
<ILRepack OutputType="$(OutputType)" Internalize="false" MainAssembly="$(AssemblyName).dll" OutputAssembly="$(AssemblyName).dll" InputAssemblies="@(InputAssemblies)" WorkingDirectory="$(WorkingDirectory)" />
<!-- /ILRepack -->
Now, I can run all tests using vstest.console.exe:
vstest.console.exe AllTests.dll
Or I can run it from the visual studio:
Singleton class initiating only on time. I don't know how it affects negatively, but currently, it is working fine