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Why are Lucene/Elasticsearch prefix queries slower than term queries?

I've been recently reading about Lucene and Elasticsearch and it seems the following are true (correct me if i'm wrong):

  1. prefix queries are slower than term queries
  2. suffix queries (* ing) are slower than prefix queries (ing *)

This seems like a strange combination of properties. Perhaps I need to broaden my scope of data structures I'm considering, but if a segment were structured like a hash table, I could easily see that 1 would be true (the term query would be O(1) and a prefix query would require a full scan) however 2 would not be true (both prefix and suffix would require a full scan). If the segment were laid out like a sorted array, I could easily see that 2 would be true (a prefix query could be performed with a binary search O(log n) and the suffix would require a full scan) however 1 would no longer be true (both a term and prefix query would require a binary search).

My only other thought is that there might be some combination of both hash and sort going on to account for this behavior (ex. hash to some partition and sort within that partition). However my understanding is that Elasticsearch partitions by a document identifier but the inverted index key is a term. So a query for a term still requires the request being sent to all partitions.

Can anyone provide me with some intuition as to how/why this behavior exists?



  • I'm not that familiar with ES specific details so they might be doing something else than plain Solr - but #1 is not the case usually.

    A prefix match will be more expensive than looking up a single term, but it's not that much more expensive. It can be compared to doing a range search (which you can perform if you want to - field:[aa TO ab) could be compared to doing field:aa* (in theory); effectively retrieving all tokens that lie within that range, then resolving the document set that matches those tokens.

    The fact that there are more tokens that match means that you can't simply take the list attached to a single token (a matching term) and retrieve those documents, but you have to retrieve a possibly large set of matching tokens and then compute the document set for that. However, this is not a very expensive computation, but it is more expensive than just a single match. The lookup can be done by finding the starting and end indexed of the matching tokens in the index, then retrieving all terms between those two and find the set of matching document ids.

    A query of foo* against an indexed with the following terms:

    bar, baz, foo, foobar, spam

    will collect the list of documents attached to foo and foobar, merge it and then retrieve the documents.

    Slower does not mean that it's catastrophic or not optimised in any way; just that it's more expensive than a direct match where the set of documents has already been determined. However, you probably have more than one term in your query already, so the same process (albeit slightly higher up in the hierarchy) happens there as well.

    A postfix match (your #2) - i.e. matching a wildcard at the beginning of the token - is expensive, since all tokens in the index usually has to be considered. The index have the terms sorted alphanumerically, so when you want to only look at the end of the string you have to consider that each token could match, regardless of where it's located in the index - so you get a full index scan. However, if this is a use case you see happening often, you can use the reverse wildcard filter. This works by reversing the string and having tokens that match the terms in reverse order, so that foo is indexed as oof and a wildcard search gets turned into oof* instead.

    A query of *ar against an indexed with the following terms:

    bar, baz, foo, foobar, spam
    ?!   ?    ?    ?!      ?

    will have to look at each term to decide if it ends with ar.

    The reason for using an EdgeNGramFilter (your comment / #3) is that you move as much of the required processing as possible to indexing time (doing the work that you know do query time, even if prefix queries aren't really expensive, they still have a cost), and additionally: wildcard queries does not support most analysis. So many people end up with wildcard queries against a set of tokens that have been stemmed or otherwise processed, and are then surprised when their wildcard queries doesn't generate a match. Only a small subset of filters can be applied to wildcard queries (such as the LowercaseFilter). Those filters are known as being "Multi term aware", since the terms the process can end up being expanded to multiple terms before collection of documents happen.

    Another reason is that using an EdgeNGramFilter will give you proper frequency scores for each prefix, giving you effective scoring for prefixed terms as well.