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Is there a way to start the EventStore served in Windows (without using docker at all)?

I am playing with EventStore. As a .NET user I prefer Windows as OS, only that I have home edition. In order to install Docker I need Windows Proffessional Edition - and I don't have it ... it's out of my budget.

Anyway, I kept trying to install (via Chocolatey) and I managed it. How do I start it? I can't find the command in the documentation.

I am having this code:

var settings = new EventStoreClientSettings {
    ConnectivitySettings = {
        Address = new Uri("http://localhost:2113")

var client = new EventStoreClient(settings);

taken from here.

I am gettig an error "Error starting gRPC call - the connection cannot be created".

I suspect that I need to start the server. But how? even if I am using docker, I would still be unable to start the server with a command line, as I my experience tells me that I would do in these kind of situations.

I would gladely contact their support, however I am just exploring - I do not have a licence for this software.


  • For GRPC download the zip file from and unzip into a local folder or install eventstore-oss from choco

    for version 20.10 run EventStore.ClusterNode.exe --insecure --run-projections=all --start-standard-projections --enable-atom-pub-over-http

    Open localhost:2113 in a browser and confirm the db is running

    Use connection string esdb://localhost:2113?Tls=false for gRPC clients. .net 3.1 console app

    es-connect.csproj file

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <PackageReference Include="EventStore.Client.Grpc.Streams" Version="20.6.1" />

    main.cs file

    using EventStore.Client;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace connections
        class Program
            public static async Task Main()
                var settings = EventStoreClientSettings.Create("esdb://localhost:2113?tls=false");
                var client = new EventStoreClient(settings);
                var itemId = Guid.NewGuid();
                var streamName = $"item-{itemId}";
                var eventData1 = new EventData(
                                        Uuid.NewUuid(), //event id
                                        "ItemCreated", //event type name
                                        Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($@"{{""item-id"": ""{itemId}"", ""a-starting-value"": ""foo""}}"), //event data
                                        Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($@"{{""written-by"": ""me"", ""written-at"":""{DateTime.UtcNow}""}}") // event metadata
                var eventData2 = new EventData(
                                        Uuid.NewUuid(), //event id
                                        "ItemChanged", //event type name
                                        Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($@"{{""item-id"": ""{itemId}"", ""a-new-value"": ""foo""}}"), //event data
                                        Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($@"{{""written-by"": ""me"", ""written-at"":""{DateTime.UtcNow}""}}") // event metadata
                var rslt = await client.AppendToStreamAsync(
                    new List<EventData> { eventData1,eventData2 });
                Console.WriteLine($"Wrote events through number {rslt.NextExpectedStreamRevision} at {rslt.LogPosition}");
                var events = client.ReadStreamAsync(Direction.Forwards, streamName, StreamPosition.Start, 100);
                await foreach (var @event in events)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Event Postion:{@event.OriginalEvent.Position}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Event Number:{@event.OriginalEventNumber}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Event Id:{@event.OriginalEvent.EventId}");

    browse to http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams to confirm the written stream(s).
    Click the links for the stream details e.g. http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/item-{item id}
    and http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/item-{item id}\0 for the first event

    the item category is at http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/$ce-item
    the ItemCreated events at http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/$et-ItemCreated
    the ItemChanged events at http://localhost:2113/web/index.html#/streams/$et-ItemChanged