I am making https requests in parallel for a given list of ids:
const posts = await Promise.all(usersIds.map(userId => fetchUserPosts(userId)));
This returns me an array of arrays (because fetchUserPosts returns a list):
[[{...post1Data}, {...post2Data}], [], [{...post3Data}], [{...post4Data}]]
And I want a plain list with all the posts.
Any ideas? I suppose I have to play with Promise.all and forEach but this doesn't work because I need an array of promises for the Promise.all argument...
const usersIds = [1, 2, 3, 4];
(async () => {
const posts = await Promise.all(usersIds.map(userId => fetchUserPost(userId)));
function fetchUserPost(userId) {
return new Promise((resolve) => resolve([{ owner: userId }, { owner: userId } ]));
After you await you can flat the list
let posts = await Promise.all(usersIds.map(userId => fetchUserPosts(userId)));
posts = posts.flat();