I am using eclipse 2020-09 with pydev 8.0.0 to develop python desktop applications. The interpreter is python 3.8 and the python grammer is set to the same as interpreter.
If a class has a member method with one parameter of the same class type, it does not recognize it. Instead, it gives me an "Undefined variable: A" error
class A:
def non_self(self, a: A) -> bool:
return self is not a
Adding the future import line
from __future__ import annotations
did not fix it. I don't want to put the class name in a string, like
class A:
def non_self(self, a: 'A') -> bool:
return self is not a
What can I do?
I noticed that it was fixed in PyDev version 8.1.0
Thank you @Fabio Zadrozny