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Collision for an Array of bricks and making a grid of bricks without using a 2D array for Processing

I'm very new to processing and for a project in college we need to make an animation or game of some sort. I have chosen to make breakout for my animation but I am having problems with 2 parts of my code. The first one is that I am trying to get the bricks to line up across the top of the screen in a 5 by 6 grid. I got a little help from my lecturer but it only makes 2 rows and I think the rest of them go off screen. The second problem I'm having is trying to get hit detection to work for my ball and bricks. I think it's because the bricks are in an array and not a single object and I have no clue how to go about it. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Below is what I have done so far.

Main Code

PImage bg;
PlayerName pl;
Ball bl;
Paddle pad;
Brick[] bricks;
int numOfCols = 30; // Number of bricks I want in total
int distRows = 1; // The distance between each of the bricks below each other

void setup() {
  size(1280, 720);
  bg = loadImage("space.jpg");
  pl = new PlayerName(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter your name (max of 12 char): "));
  bl = new Ball(51);
  pad = new Paddle(300,15);
  // Below is my attempt to try make the bricks spawn across the screen but it only does 2 rows
  bricks = new Brick[numOfCols];
  int xForBrick = 0;
  for(int col = 0; col < numOfCols; col++){
    if(col == 5)
      distRows = 15;
      xForBrick = 0;
    bricks[col] = new Brick(xForBrick*256,distRows);

void draw() {
   // Ignore these values below. This was just to help me visual stuff for hit detection.
  text(pad.getYPos(), 500,500);
  text(pad.getXPos(), 525,525);
  text(bl.getXCoord(), 500, 550);
  text(bl.getYCoord(), 525, 575);
  bl.display();  //Dsiplays the ball
  bl.gameOver(); // Controls the balls movement and ends game if ball goes off screen
  pad.display(); // Displays the paddle
  pad.movement(); //Controls the movement of the paddle with the mouse
  for(int col = 0; col < numOfCols; col++){
  boolean collision = onHit(pad,bl);
  if (collision == true){

  boolean collision2 = onHit2(bl,bricks);
    if(collision2 == true){

boolean onHit(Paddle pad, Ball bl){
  float ballDistanceX = abs(bl.getXCoord() - pad.getXPos() - pad.getPaddleW()/2);
  float ballDistanceY = abs(bl.getYCoord() - pad.getYPos());
  if(ballDistanceX > (pad.getPaddleW()/2 + bl.getSize()/2)){
    return false;
  if (ballDistanceY > (pad.getPaddleH()/2)){
    return false;
  return true;

boolean onHit2(Ball bl, Brick bricks){
    float ballDistanceX2 = abs(bl.getXCoord() - bricks.getXPos() - bricks.getSizeW()/2);
    float ballDistanceY2 = abs(bl.getYCoord() - bricks.getSizeH());
    if(ballDistanceX2 > (bricks.getSizeW() + bl.getSize()/2)){
      return false;
    if(ballDistanceY2 > (bricks.getSizeH()/2)){
      return false;
    return true;

Ball class

public class Ball {
  private float xCoord, yCoord, size, veloX, veloY;

  Ball(float size) {

  public boolean gameOver() {
    boolean lose = false;
    xCoord = xCoord + veloX;
    yCoord = yCoord + veloY;

    //When ball leaves screen, ball resets
    if (yCoord > height + size/2) {
      lose = true;
    // Makes ball bounce off of right edge
    if (xCoord > width - size/2) {
      xCoord = width - size/2;
      veloX = veloX * -1;
    //Makes ball bounce off of left edge
    if (xCoord < size/2) {
      xCoord = size/2;
      veloX = veloX * -1;
    // Makes it so the ball bounces off the top edge
    if (yCoord <  size/2) {
      yCoord =  size/2;
      veloY = veloY * -1;
    return lose;

  public void display() {
    fill(120, 70, 200);
    ellipse(xCoord, yCoord, size, size);

  //Makes ball bounce off of paddle
  public void bounce() {
    veloY = veloY * -1;
    yCoord = yCoord + veloY;

  //When ball goes off the bottom of the screen, it resets back to the center with a different velocity
  private void death() {
    xCoord = width/2;
    yCoord = height/2;
    veloX = 3;
    veloY = -3;

  public float getXCoord() {
    return xCoord;

  public float getYCoord() {
    return yCoord;

  public float getSize() {
    return size;

  public float getVeloX() {
    return veloX;

  public float getVeloY() {
    return veloY;

  public void setXCoord(float xCoord) {
    this.xCoord = xCoord;

  public void setYCoord(float yCoord) {
    this.yCoord = yCoord;

  public void setSize(float size) {
    if ((size >= 30) && (size <= 50)) {
      this.size = size;
    } else {
      this.size = 30;

  public void setVeloX(float veloX) {
    this.veloX = veloX;

  public void setVeloY(float veloY) {
    this.veloY = veloY;

Brick class

public class Brick{
  private float xPos,yPos,sizeW,sizeH;
  boolean isShown;
  Brick(float xPos, float yPos){
    this.xPos = xPos;
    this.yPos = yPos;
    sizeW = 256;
    sizeH = 15;
  public void display(){
    rect(xPos, yPos, sizeW, sizeH);
  public float getXPos(){
    return xPos;
  public float getYPos(){
    return yPos;
  public float getSizeW(){
    return sizeW;
  public float getSizeH(){
    return sizeH;
  public boolean getIsShown(){
    return isShown;
  public void setXPos(float xPos){
    this.xPos = xPos;
  public void setYPos(float yPos){
    this.yPos = yPos;
  public void setSizeW(float sizeW){
    this.sizeW = sizeW;
  public void setSizeH(float sizeH){
    this.sizeH = sizeH;

Paddle class

public class Paddle{
  private float xPos, yPos, paddleH, paddleW;
  public Paddle(float paddleW, float paddleH){
    xPos = width/2;
    yPos = height - this.paddleH;
  public void movement(){
    xPos = mouseX - paddleW/2;
    if (xPos < 0){
      xPos = 0;
    if (xPos > (width - paddleW)){
      xPos = width - paddleW;
  public void display(){
  public float getXPos(){
    return xPos;
  public float getYPos(){
    return yPos;
  public float getPaddleW(){
    return paddleW;
  public float getPaddleH(){
    return paddleH;
  public void setXPos(float xPos){
    this.xPos = xPos;
  public void setYPos(float yPos){
    this.yPos = yPos;
  public void setPaddleW(float paddleW){
    if ((paddleW >= 30) && (paddleW <= width/2)){
      this.paddleW = paddleW;
    else {
      this.paddleW = 300;
  public void setPaddleH(float paddleH){
    if ((paddleH >= 10) && (paddleH <= 20)){
      this.paddleH = paddleH;
    else {
      this.paddleH = 15;

PlayerName class

public class PlayerName{
  private String name;
  public PlayerName(String name){
    if(name.length() < 12){ = name;
    else{ = name.substring(0,12);
  public String getName(){
    return name;
  public void setName(String name){ = name.substring(0,12);


  • I can't see everything, but try this change in main:

    int xForBrick = 0;
    for(int col = 0; col < numOfCols; col++)
        if(col %  5 == 0) //change here
            distRows = distRows + 1; //change here
            xForBrick = 0;
        bricks[col] = new Brick(xForBrick*256,distRows);