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Cant find multiple Cucumber Tags when executing Runner class

When I run the following Runner class the test fails saying it cant find the specified tags. When I specify any of the tags by themselves the test executes and passes.

Why can I only specify one tag at a time?

@CucumberOptions(plugin = {
        "pretty", "com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter:target/cucumber-reports/report.html"
}, glue = {
}, features = {
}, tags = {"@edit-car", "@create-car", "@delete-car"})
public class RunnerTest {}


None of the features at [classpath:feature/] matched the filters: [@edit-car, @create-car, @delete-car]


  • The semantics of tags are confusing. One of these has AND semantics, the other OR semantics and I can't remember which one.

    tags = {"@edit-car", "@create-car", "@delete-car"}
    tags = {"@edit-car, @create-car, @delete-car"}

    If you are on a recent version of Cucumber (> 2.0.0) consider using a single tag expression instead.

    tags = "(@cucumber or @gherkin) and not @zukini"