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How to add text to a Word document with Google Docs API?

I'm trying to create a Word document that contains text and images but I can't even make the text appear, I always have a blank document and it doesn't hurt my code.

If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would appreciate it.{
  resource: {
    title: "probando api de google docs",
    body: {
      content: [{
        paragraph: {
          elements: [{
            textRun: {
              content: "hi \n",
          }, ],
      }, ],


  • Method: documents.create

    • creates a blank document using the title given in the request. Other fields in the request, including any provided content, are ignored.

    If you want to insert a text in your newly created document, you can do the following:

    1. Get the document id of the newly created document. Your create request should return a REST Resource:document where you can obtain the document id

    Sample Response Body:

      "title": "Test1",
      "body": {
        "content": [
            "endIndex": 1,
            "sectionBreak": {
              "sectionStyle": {
                "columnSeparatorStyle": "NONE",
                "contentDirection": "LEFT_TO_RIGHT",
                "sectionType": "CONTINUOUS"
            "startIndex": 1,
            "endIndex": 2,
            "paragraph": {
              "elements": [
                  "startIndex": 1,
                  "endIndex": 2,
                  "textRun": {
                    "content": "\n",
                    "textStyle": {}
              "paragraphStyle": {
                "namedStyleType": "NORMAL_TEXT",
                "direction": "LEFT_TO_RIGHT"
      "revisionId": "xxxxxxxxxsamplerevisionid",
      "suggestionsViewMode": "SUGGESTIONS_INLINE",
      "documentId": "xxxxxxxxxsampledocumentid"

    2. Use documents.batchUpdate method to insert your text in the document using your document id.

    Sample Request Body:

      "requests": [
          "insertText": {
            "location": {
              "index": 1
            "text": "Hello World"
    • In this example, I used InsertTextRequest to insert a text inside the document at a specific location that I want (which is in index 1)


    enter image description here

    Additional Notes: To learn more about the internal structure of a Google Docs document: the elements that make up a document and the relationship between these elements, indexing and positioning. Refer to this link:

    To learn more about request methods and responses. Refer to this link:

    For complete REST Resources, refer here: