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How to pass a value from a page to the layout in Blazor?

I have a layout (MainLayout.razor), and it has a flag called ShowFooter. On some pages, I want to be able to set that flag to true, and on some others to false.

I haven't been able to find any clear instructions on how a page (i.e. a component with a route) can communicate with its layout. How could/should this be done in Blazor?

Note: You might suggest creating 2 layouts, one with and one without the footer, but that wouldn't really solve my problem, I want to be able to show and hide the footer at different times on the same page. Plus, this is just one scenario where there is a need to communicate between the layout and the page. There are also countless others, to which such workarounds might not even be applicable.


  • The simplest way to do that is to define a public Boolean property named ShowFooter in the MainLaout component, as follows:

    public bool ShowFooter {get; set;}

    And to cascade a reference to MainLaout component to given components, by wrapping the markup within a CascadingValue component whose Value attribute is set to this, like this:

    @inherits LayoutComponentBase
    <CascadingValue Value="this">
         <div class="sidebar">
            <NavMenu />
        <div class="main">
             <div class="content px-4">
        public bool ShowFooter {get; set;}
         protected override void OnInitialized()
          // Put here code that checks the value of ShowFooter and acts in 
          // accordance with your dear wishes

    Usage in Index.razor

         // Gets a reference to the MainLayout component
        public MainLayout Layout { get; set; } 
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            Layout.ShowFooter= true;