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How to extract text between two dots

Hello can someone please tell me how to extract text bettwen two dots.


I want all text from first dot to the last(without dots at the begining and at the end)

This must be done without removing last dot from source text.

Thank you


  • You have not provided sufficient details for your data as well as desired output. Let's consider all possibilities then.

    Case-1 You always have a . in end, and you want text between first and this last dot. Use this formula -

    =MID(A1, SEARCH(".", A1)+1, LEN(A1)-SEARCH(".", A1)-1)

    This will give you as output.

    Case-2 You need not consider last dot and remove text before that one (assuming again that last dot in last place)

    =MID(A1,SEARCH(".",A1)+1, SEARCH("$",SUBSTITUTE(A1,".", "$", LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1, ".", ""))-1))-SEARCH(".",A1)-1)

    This will give you cr.usgs as output (also assuming that $ is nowhere present in any of your text strings.

    Other cases When you do not have dots in last places everywhere. For this you'll have to tweak your formula a little bit.

    =MID(A1,SEARCH(".",A1)+1, SEARCH("$",SUBSTITUTE(A1,".", "$", LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1, ".", ""))))-SEARCH(".",A1)-1)

    This will give you output cd.ef if your input (A1) is In the case-2 formula I just removed extra -1 which was used to exclude last dot from the text string.

    Note This formula will work in all versions of excel.