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rcleartool: How to find files of specific branch

I'm new to ClearCase, and I'm in the need to locate files in specific branch. So far, I've created an automatic view using CTE, I cannot use cleartool but I can use rcleartool.

I've tried the following, with no success:

rcleartool> find . -type f -branch "brtype(aBranch)" -print
CRCLI2049E Pathname is not within a VOB: "."
CRCLI2133W Skipping ".".

(Also I've tried the non-interactive rcleartool, with the same result)

Any thoughts on how to get the files given a branch?

For context: Working on Windows, ClearCase 9


  • You must be running rcleartool, you should, since your are using an automatic view, mount the VOB using CTE or 'rcleartool mount ...'.

    Then you should go to the view root directory (R:\<view_tag>\ for an automatic view, after mapping an automatic view root directory to a drive letter) and check that your see the VOB tag in that folder.
    You can 'cd' into the VOB from that context.

    Once you are in the VOB, then and only then you can try your rcleartool find command.