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Can we say 2x+1 = o(-5x^2+2)

The definition of little-o asymptotic notation says "f(x) is ο(g(x)), if for any constant c > 0, there exists an n0 such that 0 ≤ f(n) < c*g(n)."

With this definition, we know, any linear function of x is o(x^2) and o(x^n) for any n > 1.

Can we also say f(x) = 2x + 1 is o(-5x^2 +2), because for some values of x near 0, (2x+1)<(-5cx^2 +2), where c is any positive constant? Graph

If answer to the above question is yes, then, another question I get -

say g1(x) = (-5x^2 + 2), g2(x) = -5x^2. Here g1(x) and g2(x) are of same order. Let f(x) = (2x+1). Since f(x) = o(g1(x)), so f(x) = o(g2(x))??

If this is also true, then the graph I added above shows that g2(x) < f(x) for all values of x. So f(x) is not g2(x), which is a contradiction!!

If f(x) = o(g2(x)), then the definition of little-o has to be modified as |f(x)| and |g(x)| in place of f(x) and g(x).

"f(x) is ο(g(x)), if for any constant c > 0, there exists an n0 such that 0 ≤ |f(n)| < c*|g(n)|."

Please let me know your thoughts.


  • Actually, your definition is not complete, for little o we have:

    Definition : Let f(n) and g(n) be functions that map positive integers to positive real numbers. We say that f(n) is ο(g(n)) (or f(n) Ε ο(g(n))) if for any real constant c > 0, there exists an integer constant n0 ≥ 1 such that 0 ≤ f(n) < c*g(n); for all n greater than n0.

    also, you can see more in this answer