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Angular Date Formatting add the 'at' before time

Is there simple way to add the word 'at' in between my date and time so it reads like this: Jan 20, 2015 at 11:49 AM, instead of Jan 20, 2015, 11:49 AM. I tried long and full but I do not want the seconds and locale showing.

    2015-01-20 16:49:07+00:00

{{ myDate | date : 'medium' }}


  • You can by adding a new Custom Pipe or by dealing your DatePipe (Angular built-in) in your component

    Have attached a Stackblitz Demo for your reference

    Method #1 - Custom Pipe

      name: 'dateAtInsert'
    export class DateAtInsertPipe implements PipeTransform {
      transform(value: string) {
        return value
          .replace(/,\s(?=\d+:)/g, ' ')
          .join(' at ');
    {{ today | date : dateFormat | datAtInsert }}       // Dec 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM

    Method #2 - Date Pipe in Component

    const today = new Date();
    const transformDate = this.datePipe.transform(today, this.dateFormat);
    this.formattedDate = transformDate
       .replace(/,\s(?=\d+:)/g, ' ')
       .join(' at ');
    <h1>{{ formattedDate }}<h1>             // Dec 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM

    Method #3 - Add at inside the date format (DatePipe in Component)

    dateFormat: string = 'MMM d, y AT h:mm a';        // Need to use an uppercase AT since lowercase "a" is reserved with AM/PM in date formats
                                                      // While capital "A" and "T" doesn't hold any value in date formats so it's safe to use
    const transformDate = this.datePipe.transform(, this.dateFormat);
    this.formattedDate = transformDate.replace('AT', 'at');

    Method #4 - Add at inside the date format (DatePipe in HTML)


    {{ insertDateAt(today | date: 'MMM d, y AT h:mm a') }}


    insertDateAt(date: string): string {
      return date.replace('AT', 'at');


    • If you want your time to be in format like this 11:49 AM avoid using medium since it includes seconds e.g 11:49:29 AM
    • Use a custom one instead, in our case we used MMM d, y, h:mm a or you can find more formats at Angular's DatePipe Documentation