I am debugging a code and there are 2 issues.
As you can see last clearly points to something, but it doesnt show the inner variable that the pointer is pointing to. 10 minutes ago it showed them though.
im using the mingw debugger (i think its called GDB) on the IDE CLion.
I have no idea about the first part of the question, but for the second part:
for some reason my program runs on debugging mode but encounter some sort of an unkown infinite loop when i run it regularly. Howcome?
This is very common.
In 99.999% of instances this happens because your program exercises undefined behavior of some sort, such as using unitialized data, accessing array out of bounds, accessing memory after it has been deallocated, etc. etc.
In the remaining 0.001% of the cases it's due to a compiler bug.
On non-Widows OSes there are tools which help find such problems quickly, such as Address and Memory Sanitizers. Looks like Address Sanitizer is also available on Windows, but only under MSVC.
what can i usually do in order to find those memory bugs that the debugger wont pickup on?
The usual techniques are:
ions to verify that indices are in bounds, etc.if my code is lets say 1500 lines long,
That is a very small program. Learning how to debug such programs will serve you well.