i created my useCase and setup input and output and then provide it on module and everything works fine.
class GetProfileUseCase constructor(
private val repository: Repository,
defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher
) : SuspendUseCase<Request, ResultEntity<Response>>(defaultDispatcher) {
override suspend fun execute(parameters: Request): ResultEntity<Response> {
return repository.getProfile(parameters)
and here is my data class
sealed class GetProfile : Serializable {
data class Request(
val nothing: Nothing? = null
) : GetProfile()
data class Response(
val user: User? = User()
) : GetProfile()
because there is no parameter in Request class i tried changed it to :
object Request
but when build it IDE error :
error: method create in class ViewModel_Factory cannot be applied to given types;
and here is my view model :
class ViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val getProfileUseCase: GetProfileUseCase
) : BaseViewModel()
i don't know why it happen and dagger couldn't generate classes !!!
it works without no error when set Request as data class but crash when make it object class
because there is no parameter in Request class i tried changed it to : object Request
You seem to think an object
is same as a class
with a single no parameter constructor
, which is not true. For complete understanding I encourage you to read this thread.
However I will try to provide a brief explanation as to why your code doesn't work
When you do object Request
, it makes Request
a singleton, meaning you can no longer create its instances
using val instance = Request()
, reason being that constructor
of Request
is marked private by kotlin compiler.
so when your code(dagger
) tries to inject Request
using new Request()
, it gives you error.