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Javascript getJSON to store parameter as variable outside of function scope issue

Trying to return the date value from a URL via getJSON for the id='alert'. Seems like the getJSON is not working correctly even with async set to False. I took this code from another script that worked correctly.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p><input type="text" id="input" value="100 | 47.6735" rows="30" cols="50"></p>

<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" onclick="getAlert()">Get Date Alert</button>

<p id="alert"></p>


    async: false

function getJSON_data(url){
  var date = '1'
    function(data) {
    var date =
  return {'test':date}

function getAlert() {

  var str = document.getElementById("input").value;;
  var res = str.split(" | ");
  var id = res[0];

  var url = ''
  var alert = getJSON_data(url).test;
  document.getElementById("alert").innerHTML = alert;



Added Async and Promises to the js portion of the script. Can't quite get the date to return in the "alert" portion.


function getJSON_data(url){
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      function({date}) {
        resolve({test: date})

function getAlert() {

  var str = document.getElementById("input").value;
  var res = str.split(" | ");
  var id = res[0];
  var url = '';

  var alert = (await getJSON_data(url)).test;
  document.getElementById("alert").innerHTML = alert



  • for first, please, never, absolutely never do not use syncronouse ajax, because one time, far far ago, asyncronouse requests was founded for reduce a lot of pain )

    for second, you should understand function scope and closure conception:

    var globalVar = "some value"
    function foo() {
      var varInClosure = "some other value"
        "here we have acces to global var:", globalVar, // some value
        "\nand local var:", varInScope // some other value
      "here we have access only to var in same scope", globalVar, // some value
      "\nbut not to var from other scope", varInScope // undefined

    In you case, you can select one from to ways, ugly, but working, using global variables, or right and modern - using async/await and promises:

    function getJSON_data(url){
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          function({date}) {
            resolve({test: date})
    var alert = (await getJSON_data(url)).test;
    document.getElementById("alert").innerHTML = alert;