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Conditional onclick funtion firing without click?

I have set up a conditional element on click on a button I've made within react. but default prop runs onload without clicking the button how can I fix this issue?

the button looks like this:

<p onClick={Butter + Milk + Bread + Soup + Cheese > 0 ? props.next_ClickHandler : alert('Please Input some food!')}>Buy Now!</p>

I would like it so that if the values add to greater than 0 the props are passed but if not an alert is played why it this not working as intended?

Edit full code:

import React, { useState, useEffect, useContext } from "react";
import Data from '../shoppingData/Ingredients';
import { quantitiesContext } from '../shoppingData/Quantities';

const ShoppingPageOne = (props) => {

  //element displays
  const [pageone_show, setPageone_show] = useState("pageOne");

  //stores quantities of items as JSON objects
  const [Quantities, setQuantities] = useContext(quantitiesContext);

  const quantities = useContext(quantitiesContext);

  const Bread = quantities[0].Bread.quantities;
  const Milk = quantities[0].Milk.quantities;
  const Cheese = quantities[0].Cheese.quantities;
  const Soup = quantities[0].Soup.quantities;
  const Butter = quantities[0].Butter.quantities;

  useEffect(() => {
    //sets info text using Json
    if (props.showOne) {
    } else {
      setPageone_show("pageOne hide");
  }, [props.showOne]);

  return (
    <div className={"Shopping_Content " + pageone_show}>

      <div className="Shopping_input_aligner">
        <div className='Shopping_input_container'>
          { => {

            //updates Quanties Hook
            const handleChange = (event) => {

                [Ingredients.Name]: {
                  ...(Quantities[Ingredients.Name] ?? {}),

            return (<div className={"Shopping_input " + Ingredients.Name} key={Ingredients.Name}>
              <p>{Ingredients.Name} £{Ingredients.Price}</p>
              <input onChange={handleChange.bind(this)} min="0" placeholder="Input food quantity" type="number"></input>

        <div className='Discount_list'>
          <li>Buy one cheese get one free!</li>
          <li>Buy a Soup get a half price bread!</li>
          <li>A third off butter!</li>
      <div className="Shopping_Buttons">
        <p onClick={() => {Butter + Milk + Bread + Soup + Cheese > 0 ? props.next_ClickHandler : alert('Please Input some food!')}} >Buy Now!</p>


export default ShoppingPageOne;


  • You can have a cleaner code with something like this if you're using React Hooks

    const [ingredientsGreaterThanZero, setIngredientsGreaterThanZero] = useState(false);
    useEffect(() => {
      if (butter + milk + bread + soup + cheese > 0) {
      } else {
    }, [butter, milk, bread, soup, cheese]);
    {ingredientsGreaterThanZero ? 
      <p onClick={props.next_ClickHandler}>Buy Now!</p> :
      <p onClick={() => alert('Please Input some food!')}>Buy Now!</p>