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Can't extend traces with setting the marker type

With the code below I am trying to create a simple bubble chart. I create a trace to extend it later:

    var t9 = {
        x: [100821],
        y: [11],
        name: 'Some text',
        text: ['Some text'],
        mode: ['markers'],
        marker: [{
          size: [1531*10],
          sizeref: 2,
          sizemode: 'area'
    var data = [t9];

var layout = {
  title: 'Chart',
  showlegend: true,
  xaxis: {
    title: 'Some text'
  yaxis: {
    title: 'Some text'

var config = {responsive: true}

Plotly.newPlot('plot', data, layout, config);

          x: [[5491]],
          y: [[5]],
          text: [['Some text']],
          mode: [['markers']],
          marker: [[{
            size: 123*100,
            sizeref: 2,
            sizemode: 'area'
        }, [0]);


          x: [[60022]],
          y: [[11]],
          text: [['Some text']],
          mode: [['markers']],
          marker: [[{
            size: 982*100,
            sizeref: 2,
            sizemode: 'area'
        }, [0]);
  <!-- Plotly.js -->
  <script src=""></script>
    <div id="plot"></div>

The result is this: Result

As you can see the markers don't take on the property mode: ['markers'] and all of the markers: properties.

Any idea how to get a result like on this page?


    • If you use extendTraces and want to update properties, such marker size you need to provide the attribute as a string, e.g. marker.size and the value must be an array, just like your new x and y values.

          x: [[5491]],
          y: [[5]],
        }, [0]);
    • Your initial data and attributes should be a simple array or object, not an array of arrays/objects. enter image description here

       var t9 = {
        x: [100821],
        y: [11],
        name: 'Some text',
        text: 'Some text',
        mode: 'markers',
        marker: {
          size: [15*100],
          sizeref: 1,
          sizemode: 'area'
      var data = [t9];
      var layout = {
        title: 'Chart',
        showlegend: true,
        xaxis: {
          title: 'Some text'
        yaxis: {
          title: 'Some text',
          range: [-12, 30]
      var config = {responsive: true}
      Plotly.newPlot('plot', data, layout, config);
          x: [[5491]],
          y: [[5]],
        }, [0]);
          x: [[60022]],
          y: [[11]],
        }, [0]);
        <script src=""></script>
      <div id='plot'>