I want to write a user script for my browsers (Opera, Chromium) that removes links containing predefined keywords. For example, a link <a href="foo">bar</a>
should simply vanish from the page when foo
is part of the blacklist.
How do i remove duplicate links from a page except first shows how to get and filter a site, but I want to do this directly via a user script. Any ideas how I would apply the filter on every page load?
Get the document.links collection. If any of their .href properties match your blacklist, set their style.display property to 'none'.
function removeLinks () {
var blackList = /foo|bar|baz/;
var link, links = document.links;
var i = links.length;
while (i--) {
link = links[i];
if (blackList.test(link.href)) {
link.style.display = 'none';
To remove duplicate links is a similar exercise. First convert the links HTMLCollection to a plain array, then as you iterate over them use their hrefs as create properties of an object. If the href is already a property, hide it using the above method or link.parentNode.removeChild(link).