If data is very lower than others, it's almost like zero, and the user can't click because it's too small.
How can I set a minimum height or width for small numbers?
Use this function when chart render end
function svgBalancer(minHeight, absUnit, bool) {
let cols = document.getElementsByClassName("apexcharts-bar-area");
let labels = document.getElementsByClassName("apexcharts-datalabel");
for (let i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (parseFloat(cols[i].getAttribute("barHeight")) <= minHeight && parseFloat(cols[i].getAttribute("barHeight")) != 0) {
let d = cols[i].getAttribute("d");
d = d.split(" ");
if (bool == false) {
let d2 = d[2].split(".");
d2[0] = absUnit;
d[2] = d2.join(".");
let d3 = d[3].split(".");
d3[0] = absUnit;
d[3] = d3.join(".");
} else {
let d4 = d[4].split(".");
d4[0] = absUnit;
d[4] = d4.join(".");
let d6 = d[6].split(".");
d6[0] = absUnit;
d[6] = d6.join(".");
cols[i].setAttribute("d", d.join(" "));
let yLabel = parseFloat(labels[i].getAttribute("y"));
let delta = yLabel - absUnit;
yLabel = yLabel - delta - 8;
labels[i].setAttribute("y", yLabel);
updated: function(chartContext, config) {
svgBalancer(8, 313, true);
animationEnd: function(chartContext, options) {
svgBalancer(8, 313, false);
The code does not work well but it is better than nothing.