I decided to make a webshop! but when I tried putting in a second payment box it didnt work! I used the Paypal scripts https://www.paypal.com/buttons/smart?flowloggingId=8a47de0f82d54``
code is above ^^
kind regards!
The PayPal JavaScript SDK:
<script src="https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=sb¤cy=USD" data-sdk-integration-source="button-factory"></script>
Should only be loaded once per page -- before rendering buttons, or from the <head>
Get rid of line 91.
Also you have two divs with id paypal-button-container
; the second one should be given a different id, and the function that renders to it updated with that id.
Probably best to change the second initPayPalButton function's name and its invocation on line 120 to be initPayPalButton2, as well.