Problem -> Select all orders that are greater than the average for October 4.
Table Schema:
mysql> desc orders;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ONUM | int | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| AMT | float | NO | | NULL | |
| ODATE | date | NO | | NULL | |
| CNUM | int | YES | MUL | NULL | |
| SNUM | int | YES | MUL | NULL | |
I have tried a number of queries for this(around 10), but still not able to get through. Some of the Queries that I have tried :
select outer.onum, outer.amt from orders outer where outer.amt>any(select avg(o.amt) from orders o group by o.odate having o.odate='1996-10-04') and outer.odate<>'1996-10-04';
select outer.onum, outer.amt from orders as outer where outer.amt>any(select avg(o.amt) as 04_avg from orders o group by o.odate having o.odate='1996-10-04') and outer.odate<>'1996-10-04';
Still, no success. Can anybody help me out? Plus, can anybody explain to the usage of aggregate function in relation to sub-query and the proper usage of correlated sub-queries and nested queries. Internet has not been much of help. Thank You.
You can get the average of 1996-10-04
with this query:
FROM orders
WHERE ODATE = '1996-10-04'
You can use the above query in the WHERE
clause like this:
FROM orders
FROM orders
WHERE ODATE = '1996-10-04'
If you want to filter out rows of 1996-10-04
you can add:
AND ODATE <> '1996-10-04'