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React-Native Server Driven ui

I always wonder how apps like Airbnb, Flipkart, and Swiggy update their UI on the fly. Even if I didn’t update the app, Flipkart shows different UIs during festivals, while Swiggy always changes its UI based on the device location.

How I implement this in my react-native-app?

Webview is the solution?

Kindly help me.. Thanks


  • There are multiple ways you can go about doing this.

    One way would be to use WebViews as you've mentioned, this would make it trivial to change the interfaces as it's entierly controled in the servers. But the main issue with this approch will be performance and non native look and feel. These are the two main advantages of using React Native over hybrid frameworks in the first place and therefor, it wouldn't make much sense to use WebViews everywhere. But if there's a small slice of your application that updates regularly(ex - terms of service) you could use a WebView to do the custom views.

    A more common way that's low effort would be to have all the code in place for the different looks, but use feature flags to toggle different views. This would work the same way that a dark theme would work. The amount of customisation we can do this way is limited because we need to code everything ahead of time.

    Another way is to use server driven UIs. With this approach, you will have a pre defined templates in the client that you them populate on run-time with data from the server. For a very simple example, you could have a header image that could be populated with a seasonal greeting image. But instead of simple things like images, this can be much more visible changes as well. (ex - List view instead of Grid View)

    One more involved way would be to use code push. This would allow things like seasonal UI changes. But this requires a lot more setup and might not provide the best user experience.