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How do I use both multi-touch gestures and cancellable actions in Jetpack Compose?

I was following this tutorial ( which uses pointerInteropFilter to handle the MotionEvents directly and detect ACTION_CANCEL and FLAG_CANCELED for motion events that the OS has detected as being unintended (e.g. palm rejection). I got that working, but I would like the same composable to support multi-touch gestures (zooming and panning). I looked at the sample code on that page (, and at the bottom it mentions "If you need to combine zooming, panning and rotation with other gestures, you can use the PointerInputScope.detectTransformGestures detector.

Following that link (,kotlin.Function4)), it uses pointerInput to handle input rather than pointerInteropFilter. Looking at the API for PointerEvent and PointerInputChange, though, I don't see anything about detecting cancelled actions, and it doesn't seem like I can use both pointerInput and pointerInteropFilter on the same Composable (but I might be wrong about that).

Obviously I'd prefer not to implement zooming/panning myself from scratch, so is there something I'm missing about how to combine both of these behaviors?


  • The following library had exactly the solution I needed:

    Specifically, I used the function from their library with the signature

    suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectPointerTransformGestures(
        panZoomLock: Boolean = true,
        numberOfPointers: Int = 1,
        pass: PointerEventPass = PointerEventPass.Main,
        requisite: PointerRequisite = PointerRequisite.None,
        consume: Boolean = true,
        onGestureStart: (PointerInputChange) -> Unit = {},
            centroid: Offset,
            pan: Offset,
            zoom: Float,
            rotation: Float,
            mainPointer: PointerInputChange,
            changes: List<PointerInputChange>
        ) -> Unit,
        onGestureEnd: (PointerInputChange) -> Unit = {},
        onGestureCancel: () -> Unit = {},

    because I only want it to handle multi-pointer gestures; any single-point gestures should be handled by my existing input handler. The library also has a demo of how to use the functions, but there's a bug in the implementation (which I opened an issue for in their repo), so here's how I'm using it. Note that I don't need rotation, so I omitted it:

    var zoom by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(1f) }
    var offset by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset.Zero) }
            // This handles multi-pointer gestures.
            .pointerInput(Unit) {
                    numberOfPointers = 1,
                    requisite = PointerRequisite.GreaterThan,
                    pass = PointerEventPass.Initial,
                    onGesture = { gestureCentroid: Offset,
                                  gesturePan: Offset,
                                  gestureZoom: Float,
                                  changes: List<PointerInputChange> ->
                        val oldScale = zoom
                        val newScale = zoom.coerceIn(1f..5f)
                        // The parameter gestureCentroid uses a coordinate system where
                        // (0, 0) is the top left corner of the screen, but zooming uses
                        // a coordinate system where (0, 0) is in the middle of the screen.
                        // To properly handle adjusting the offset when zooming, first
                        // translate the centroid to the right coordinate system.
                        val width = MyApplication.getScreenWidth()
                        val height = MyApplication.getScreenHeight()
                        val centroidToScreenCenter = gestureCentroid.minus(Offset(width / 2f, height / 2f))
                        // The first term handles panning (negative because panning
                        // fingers moving to the right means panning to the left), and
                        // the second term handles zooming towards the centroid.
                        offset = (offset - gesturePan / oldScale) +
                                (centroidToScreenCenter / oldScale - centroidToScreenCenter / newScale)
                        loadedDocument.stylusState.zoom = newScale
                        // Consume touch when multiple fingers down. This prevents events from
                        // being passed on to later listeners while a gesture is being invoked.
                        val size = changes.size
                        if (size > 1) {
                            changes.forEach { it.consume() }
            painter = BitmapPainter(/* Get image in my project */),
            contentDescription = "Image description",
                .graphicsLayer {
                    translationX = -loadedDocument.stylusState.translationOffset.x * loadedDocument.stylusState.zoom
                    translationY = -loadedDocument.stylusState.translationOffset.y * loadedDocument.stylusState.zoom
                    scaleX = loadedDocument.stylusState.zoom
                    scaleY = loadedDocument.stylusState.zoom
                // This second listener handles all single-pointer input events.
                .pointerInteropFilter {