I'm implementing Kruskal's algorithm for finding the MST of a graph, and I need to sort the edges for the first step. However, I need to sort the edges by the weight, not their index number. I overrode compareTo() and my WeightedEdge implements Comparable, so I'm not sure why it continues to sort by index and not weight. Any ideas?
private final int v;
private final int w;
private int distance;
private int price;
* Create a directed edge from v to w with given weight.
public WeightedDirectedEdge(int v, int w, int distance, int price) {
this.v = v;
this.w = w;
this.distance = distance;
this.price = price;
public int from(){
return v;
public int to(){
return w;
public int distance(){
return distance;
public int price(){
return price;
public int compareTo(WeightedDirectedEdge other)
Integer dist1 = new Integer(distance);
Integer dist2 = new Integer(other.distance);
return dist1.compareTo(dist2);
If you want to sort by weight than you need to do this:
public int compareTo(WeightedDirectedEdge other){
return Integer.compare(w, other.w);
instead of using the distance:
public int compareTo(WeightedDirectedEdge other)
Integer dist1 = new Integer(distance);
Integer dist2 = new Integer(other.distance);
return dist1.compareTo(dist2);
You do not need to do new Integer(distance);
so that you can use compareTo
just use Integer.compare(..);