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Can I combine a Xaml <Label> into a C# template that I use to create a Frame?

I have XAML code that I use to set up a frame and frame heading like this:

<Label Text="ABC" />
   <Label Text="ABC" />

For ContentFrame I use a C# template here:

public class ContentFrame : CustomFrame
    StackLayout contentStack { get; } = new StackLayout()
        Spacing = 0,
        Padding = new Thickness(0),
        Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical
    public IList<View> Contents { get => contentStack.Children; }

    public ContentFrame()
        Content = contentStack;
        HasShadow = false;
        SetDynamicResource(BackgroundColorProperty, "ContentFrameBackgroundColor");
        SetDynamicResource(BorderColorProperty, "ContentFrameBorderColor");
        SetDynamicResource(CornerRadiusProperty, "ContentFrameCornerRadius");

Is there a way that I could combine the setting of the heading into the ContentFrame class so the same thing could be achieved with:

<t:ContentFrame Heading="ABC">
   <Label Text="ABC" />


  • You need a Bindable property for this:

    public class ContentFrame : CustomFrame
    StackLayout contentStack { get; } = new StackLayout()
            Spacing = 0,
            Padding = new Thickness(0),
            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical
        public IList<View> Contents { get => contentStack.Children; }
        public static readonly BindableProperty HeadingProperty =
                BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Heading), typeof(string),
                typeof(ContentFrame), null, propertyChanged: OnHeadingChanged);
        public string Heading
            get => (Heading)GetValue(HeadingProperty);
            set => SetValue(HeadingProperty, value);
    static void OnHeadingChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue) {
    //whatever you want to handle
        public ContentFrame()
            Content = contentStack;
            HasShadow = false;
            SetDynamicResource(BackgroundColorProperty, "ContentFrameBackgroundColor");
            SetDynamicResource(BorderColorProperty, "ContentFrameBorderColor");
            SetDynamicResource(CornerRadiusProperty, "ContentFrameCornerRadius");

    If you don't require InotifypropertyChanged you can remove OnHeadingChanged (also from inside BindableProperty.Create(), if require you can add the below declaration.