I am trying to create a web application in Eclipse. The problem is that I don't get the dependencies jars to the deployed archive.
I've created a new dynamic web project and linked it to another Java project. The Java project references a few 3rd party jars (e.g. Spring jars) but for some reasons when publishing the web project I get only the Java project jar in the lib dir of the war, without the Java project dependencies (e.g.Spring).
In other words, I have project A (web project) that depends on project B (Java Project), project B depends on Spring jars. When I publish the web project as a war to JBoss only project B is packaged into the jar (no spring jars)
I know I can do it with ant, I even have such build.xml
to build the whole app, but I thought eclipse can also perform the packaging task for me.
I added the Java project to the Java EE module dependencies in the web project.
Should I use the export option in the Java project build path properties? Should I add the dependencies of the Java project to the web project as well?
What am I doing wrong?
I am using Eclipse 3.5.1