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Global and Local variable, running into problem with connect()

I have this code: mainclass.cpp file:

#include "mainclass.h"
#include <QtDebug>
#include <QApplication>

Domino *domino = new Domino();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    MainClass w;;
    return a.exec();

MainClass::MainClass(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;
    //Domino *domino = new Domino();
    connect(domino, SIGNAL(OneImageReceivedSignal()), this, SLOT(OneImageReceivedSlot()));

void MainClass::OneImageReceivedSlot(){
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;

domino.cpp file:

#include "domino.h"
#include <QtDebug>
Domino::Domino(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;
    cdl_img_acquisition_= new CDLImageAcquisition();
    connect(cdl_img_acquisition_, SIGNAL(OneImageReceivedSignal()), this, SIGNAL(OneImageReceivedSignal()));

void Domino::ReceiveAnImage(){

CDLImageAcquisition *Domino::get_cdl_img_acquisition(){
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;
    return this->cdl_img_acquisition_;

icdlimageacquisition.cpp file:

#include "cdlimageacquisition.h"

CDLImageAcquisition::CDLImageAcquisition(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;
    icdlcam_=new ICDLCam();
    connect(icdlcam_, SIGNAL(OneImageReceivedSignal()),this, SIGNAL(OneImageReceivedSignal()));

void CDLImageAcquisition::ReceiveAnImage(){

ICDLCam *CDLImageAcquisition::get_cdl_cam(){
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;
    return this->icdlcam_;

icdlcam.cpp file:

#include "icdlcam.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <QtDebug>

ICDLCam::ICDLCam(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
    qDebug()<< __FUNCTION__;

void ICDLCam::ReceiveAnImage(){
    emit OneImageReceivedSignal();

When I build and run with MSVC 2015, or 2019, the program crashed as below:

15:57:25: Starting C:\Users\User\source\DL01-SOFTWARE\build-DOMINO-TEST2-Desktop_Qt_5_15_0_MSVC2019_64bit-Debug\Lib\debug\Lib.exe ...
15:57:27: The program has unexpectedly finished.
15:57:27: The process was ended forcefully.
15:57:27: C:\Users\User\source\DL01-SOFTWARE\build-DOMINO-TEST2-Desktop_Qt_5_15_0_MSVC2019_64bit-Debug\Lib\debug\Lib.exe crashed.

The debugger crashes at connect(icdlcam_, SIGNAL(OneImageReceivedSignal()),this, SIGNAL(OneImageReceivedSignal())); of the CDLImageAcquisition constructor.

It shows this message dialog: "Exception triggered: The inferior stopped because it triggered an exception. Stopped in thread 0 by: Exception at 0x7fff9dd8da2a, code:0xc0000005: read access violation at: 0x0, flags = 0x0 (first chance).

The program does not crash when:

  • I declare and initialize domino variable inside the local scope of the MainClassconstructor
  • I build and run with the MinGW compiler regardless of the scope of the dominovariable.

I have to use Pylon API in Windows that does not support MinGW compiler, and I also need the global scope of the domino variable later. I also tried putting it as a static member of a class, but the result is the same.


  • I don't have an explanation on what exactly happens, I can only assume that there is some Qt magic happening here with the Win32 API.

    For GUI (non-console) applications, the starting point is not main, but WinMain, which is why Qt redefines main to qMain ( and links to a special qtmain static library (, the details of which elude me...

    Anyhow, a minimal example to reproduce the issue:


    #include <QObject>
    class Test : public QObject
        Test() {
            connect(this, &Test::sig, this, &Test::slot);
        void slot() {}
        void sig();
    Test *t = new Test;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    //    Test t;
         return 0;
    #include "main.moc"

    CONFIG += c++11
    SOURCES += main.cpp

    The above crashes.

    If you create the Test object in main instead of globally, it no longer crashes.

    If you build it as a console application, it no longer crashes, i.e. when changing the CONFIG line to CONFIG += c++11 console, rerunning qmake & rebuilding.

    Bottom line: You cannot use connect before main.

    Options that you have, besides not calling connect in the constructor of your global object (or not using a global object):

    Allocate the global object in main

    Test *t = nullptr;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        t = new Test;
        return 0;


    The object created by Q_GLOBAL_STATIC initializes itself on the first use, which means that it will not increase the application or the library's load time. Additionally, the object is initialized in a thread-safe manner on all platforms.

    Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(Test, t)

    somewhere else access the object either by calling methods with t->someMethod() or access the pointer with t(), e.g. connect(t(), &Test::sig, .....).