I am building couple of filters to my data
computed: {
myNodes: (state) => state.myNodes,
configPositions: (state) => state.configPositions,
nodes_filtered: function () {
return this.myNodes.filter((nodes) => {
return nodes.deleted == false
positions_filtered: function () {
return this.configPositions.filter((positions) => {
return this.nodes_filtered.some((node) => {
positions.node_id == node.node_id
// this is to stop sync chasing bug
myArray: null,
// NOTE: ok as created here but NOT if this is the first view to load
created() {
//access the custom option using $options
this.$options.myArray = this.nodes_filtered
However when I load the data it duplicates it a lot ! (causing browser to freak out) I think the positions filter is looping over stuff too much. If I console.log like so
positions_filtered: function () {
return this.configPositions.filter((positions) => {
return this.nodes_filtered.some((node) => {
positions.node_id == node.node_id
shows first console log everything twice second one is 3x7 ! This is with a small set of data , but if I add more it obviously gets worse I can only think my loop is wrong...Any help much appreciated
here is my template which may also have an issue
<div v-for="(value, index) in positions_filtered" v-bind:key="index">
<div v-for="(nodes, index) in $options.myArray" v-bind:key="index">
style="border: 2px dashed black; background-color: rgb(155, 194, 216)"
<form class="nodes">
<template v-if="nodes.read_mode == false">
placeholder="Type your thoughts and ideas here! (auto saved every keystroke)"
<p class="info">*markdown supported & autosaves</p>
<div class="btn-row">
@click.prevent="readFlag(nodes.node_id, nodes.read_mode)"
<div class="allemoji">
v-for="(emojis, index) in configEmoji"
<template v-if="emojis.node_id == nodes.node_id">{{
Try to not use a computed property in another one :
positions_filtered: function () {
return this.configPositions.filter((positions) => {
return this.myNodes.find((node) => {
return !node.deleted && positions.node_id == node.node_id