I stumble over the problem that I want to convert two columns into one line, and I do this with a key. I have a table which consists of the keys, activities and the corresponding intervals of the activity.
(data <- data.frame(key=rep(LETTERS, each=4)[1:8],
acitity=c("watering", "remove weeds", "cut", "remove leaf", "watering", "remove weeds", "cut", "fertilize"),
intervall= sample(1:8)))
# key acitity intervall
#1 A watering 2
#2 A remove weeds 3
#3 A cut 1
#4 A remove leaf 6
#5 B watering 4
#6 B remove weeds 7
#7 B cut 8
#8 B fertilize 5
My goal is to get a row for each key, where the activities and intervals are written one after the other.
key activity intervall acticity_1 intervall_1 acticity_2 intervall_2 acticity_3 intervall_3
A watering 5 remove weeds 7 cut 6 remove leaf 1
B watering 8 remove weeds 4 cut 2 fertilize 3
I have tried variants with spread()
and transpose()
. But since my skills are not that far advanced, I didn't really get anywhere. With spread and transpose, I didn't get any further.
Thank you very much for your help!!!
Third option using dcast
from data.table
. We create the missing 'time variable' with rowid(key)
# convert data to a data.table object
# reshape
dcast(data, key ~ rowid(key), value.var = c("acitity", "intervall"))
# key acitity_1 acitity_2 acitity_3 acitity_4 intervall_1 intervall_2 intervall_3 intervall_4
#1: A watering remove weeds cut remove leaf 5 7 6 1
#2: B watering remove weeds cut fertilize 8 4 2 3