I like to think top/down rather than bottom/up, so here is directly my final goal :
My goal : A "aQuery" built with different "PlQryElement"s (Pl stands for 'Playlist' since the context here is a 'smart playlist' for music playlist manager) :
List<PlQry_Element> aQuery = new ArrayList<PlQry_Element>();
I should obviously instantiate the 'PlQry_Elements', and then use the aQuery.add(...);
. Resulting of building up my final query.
Here is the "PlQry_Element" possible :
What I would think :
Question : How can I achieve my very first goal... Without changing my 'enum' objects into 'classes' ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated !!! Thank you in advance ;-)...
Here are the classes WITHOUT 'implements' :
PlQryEl_Parenthese -->
package application.query.element;
public enum PlQryEl_Parenthese {
String symbol;
PlQryEl_Parenthese(String symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
PlQryEl_Condition -->
package application.query.element;
import application.query.element.cond.PlQryEl_Cond_Object;
import application.query.element.cond.PlQryEl_Cond_Operator;
public class PlQryEl_Condition {
PlQryEl_Cond_Object aObject = PlQryEl_Cond_Object.PLAYLIST;
String sField="";
PlQryEl_Cond_Operator aOparator = PlQryEl_Cond_Operator.EQUAL;
String sValue = "";
public PlQryEl_Condition(PlQryEl_Cond_Object aObject, String sField, PlQryEl_Cond_Operator aOparator, String sValue) {
this.aObject = aObject;
this.sField = sField;
this.aOparator = aOparator;
this.sValue = sValue;
PlQryEl_BoolOperator -->
package application.query.element;
public enum PlQryEl_BoolOperator {
String symbol;
PlQryEl_BoolOperator(String symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
And for interest here are the objects about the 'PlQryEl_Condition' class :
PlQryEl_Cond_Object -->
package application.query.element.cond;
public enum PlQryEl_Cond_Object {
String symbol;
String dbViewName;
PlQryEl_Cond_Object(String symbol, String dbViewName) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.dbViewName = dbViewName;
PlQryEl_Cond_Operator -->
package application.query.element.cond;
public enum PlQryEl_Cond_Operator {
EMPTY("is empty (null, NA, ...)"),
INLIST("in list");
String symbol;
String dbViewName;
PlQryEl_Cond_Operator(String symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
As more often than never the answer is inside the question... This was the case here !
The solution I put in place was to wrap a 'class' around the enums in order to make them 'implementable'.
This solved, obviously the case... But is it the only/best solution ?