My Excel file has many sheets. I am trying to create a loop to retrieve every sheet of data to be able to save it as .dta. This is my code:
local sheet = `" "Data dictionary" "Wave 1" "Wave 2" "Wave 3" "Wave 4" "'
foreach x of local sheets{
import excel "/Users/a/Downloads/EVSdata.xlsx", sheet("`x'")
save "/Users/a/Downloads/sheet_`x’.dta"
The output does not show any error but it does not save the data either.
A good attempt, but there are a few small syntax errors in your code. Note the subtle differences in this code:
local sheet = `" "Data dictionary" "Wave 1" "Wave 2" "Wave 3" "Wave 4" "'
foreach x in `sheet' {
import excel "mydata.xlsx", sheet("`x'") clear
save "sheet_`x'.dta", replace