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How to create a curved, sharp edge (think blade) using only CSS

Here is an image of what I am trying to create:

CSS sharp blade shape

I have tried using border radius but the result is always too round. I am looking for a CSS solution (no SVG).

.blade {
  height: 300px;
  width: 150px;
  border-radius: 0 0 50% 50%;
  border-left:20px solid #c0bfde;
  border-right:20px solid #7b7ba0;
<div class="blade"></div>


  • 2 big circles created using radial-gradient can approximate this:

    .blade {
      width: 150px;
      height: 330px;
        radial-gradient(circle 600px at  600px 0, #e3e1f6 calc(100% - 51px), #c0bfde calc(100% - 50px) 99.8%, transparent) left, 
        radial-gradient(circle 600px at -526px 0, #e3e1f6 calc(100% - 51px), #7b7ba0 calc(100% - 50px) 99.8%, transparent) right;
      background-size:50% 100%;
    <div class="blade"></div>

    Update the radius to get closer to your shape:

    .blade {
      width: 150px;
      height: 425px;
        radial-gradient(circle 1200px at  1200px 0, #e3e1f6 calc(100% - 51px), #c0bfde calc(100% - 50px) 99.8%, transparent) left, 
        radial-gradient(circle 1200px at -1123px 0, #e3e1f6 calc(100% - 51px), #7b7ba0 calc(100% - 50px) 99.8%, transparent) right;
      background-size: 50% 100%;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
    <div class="blade"></div>

    And with CSS variables to easily control:

    .blade {
      --b:50px;   /* borders */
      --r:1200px; /* radius*/
      --w:150px;  /* width */
      width: var(--w);
      /* the real formula cannot be expressed with calc() so we use a big value
        real formula: height = sqrt(var(--r)² - (r - var(--w)/2)²) */
      height: calc(var(--r)/2); 
        radial-gradient(circle var(--r) at  var(--r)                   0, #e3e1f6 calc(100% - var(--b) - 1px), #c0bfde calc(100% - var(--b)) 99.8%, transparent) left, 
        radial-gradient(circle var(--r) at calc(var(--w)/2 - var(--r)) 0, #e3e1f6 calc(100% - var(--b) - 1px), #7b7ba0 calc(100% - var(--b)) 99.8%, transparent) right;
      background-size: 50% 100%;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
    <div class="blade"></div>
    <div class="blade" style="--b:20px;--r:800px"></div>
    <div class="blade" style="--b:30px;--r:2000px"></div>
    <div class="blade" style="--b:30px;--r:2000px;--w:100px"></div>

    CSS sharp edge (blade shape)