Search code examples

How do I get the first n records, per foreign key with MySQL?

I have the following table:

| id | table2_id | type |
|  1 |       100 | A    |
|  2 |       100 | B    |
|  3 |       100 | C    |
|  4 |       100 | A    |
|  5 |       250 | A    |

I need a select statement that would get all the records before the first occurrence of type C, per table2_id. So I want records 1, 2, and 5

I'd do this in code with a loop, but I need to do it in MySQL specifically.


  • If you are running MySQL 8.0, you can do this with window functions:

    select *
    from (
        select t.*, 
            min(case when type = 'C' then id end) over(partition by table2_id) min_id
        from mytable t
    ) t
    where min_id is null or id < min_id

    In all versions, you could use not exists:

    select t.*
    from mytable t
    where not exists (
        select 1
        from mytable t1
        where t1.table2_id = t.table2_id and <= and t1.type = 'C'