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Laravel ecommerce dynamic product filtering

I have this huge problem that I can't find a workaround. I'm building an e-commerce app with Laravel and it's essential to build a good filtering system for products. I have products and attributes table with a many-to-many relation. Pivot table product_attribute has additional value (if the attribute is color, value would be red for example) column. When entered to the shop page there is a sidebar with the filtering options. The only option I can show there is brand since it's a one-to-many relation with the product table. What's the right way to show these attributes. As I mentioned attributes should be dynamic to the products on the page. Different products in different categories (bikes, clothes, balls, pool tables) may have different attributes.

public function show($slug){

  // Get products with attributes for specic 
  $category = Category::with('products')->where('slug',$slug)->firstOrFail();

  // Collect brand ids
  $b_ids = array_filter($category->products->pluck('brand_id')->toArray());

  //Get brands to show in the filtering options
  $brands = Brand::whereIn('id',$b_ids)->get();

  $attributes = ?

  return view('', compact('category','brands', 'attributes'));


  • Eager load attributes with products - Category::with('products.attributes')

    public function show($slug){
      // Get products with attributes for specic 
      $category = Category::with('products.attributes')->where('slug',$slug)->firstOrFail();
      // Collect brand ids
      $b_ids = array_filter($category->products->pluck('brand_id')->toArray());
      //Get brands to show in the filtering options
      $brands = Brand::whereIn('id',$b_ids)->get();
      return view('', compact('category','brands'));

    Then in the view attributes can be accessed via the product

    that's not what I want. It just gives me the value. I want attribute name to be displayed at the top (for example COLOR) and values (Red, Blue, etc) at the bottom next to a checkbox for the user to filter

    Assuming you are storing all possible values for an attributes as options

    // ...
    @foreach($categories as $category)
       @foreach($category->products as $product)
            @include('attribute-options', ['attributes' => $product->attributes])
    // ... 

    Extract attributes display for a product to a partial - attribute-options.blade.php

    @foreach($attributes as $attribute)
        <h3>{{ $attribute->name }}
            @foreach($attribute->options as $option)
                    <label for="{{$attribute->name}}-{{$option}}">{{ $option }}