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How to add empty last row to Kendo Ui grid by default

I need to add empty last row to Kendo UI grid by default in edit mode. I am getting data from api and If I try to add empty row at last its getting called first and api is getting called after.How can I do it.I don't want to have set timeout. I tried adding empty record in data source but for that I need to do so many things

var dataSource = new{
                type: "odata",
                serverPaging: false,
                serverSorting: false,
                serverFiltering: false,
                //pageSize: 20,
                schema: {
                    data: function (data) {
                        var resultData = [];
                        if (data.value != null && data.value[0].Payload != null && data.value[0].Payload != "[]")
                            resultData = JSON.parse(data.value[0].Payload);
                        return resultData;
                    total: function (data) {
                        var length = 0;
                        if (data.value != null)
                            length = data.value[0].PayloadCount;
                        return length;

                    model: {
                        id: that.gridProperties.PrimaryKeyName,
                        fields: that.gridProperties.Schema

                change: that.onGridDataChanged,
                transport: {
                    read: {

                        url: that.gridProperties.DataSourceURL,
                        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                        type: "GET",
                        dataType: "json"
  $('#' + that.gridProperties.ControlId).kendoGrid({
                height: "100%",
                scrollable: true,
                filterable: true,
                sortable: true,
                resizable: true,
                pageable: false,
                noRecords: true,
                editable: that.gridProperties.Editable,
                selectable: !that.gridProperties.AllowMultiSelect, //If multiselect is false enable row selection
                columns: gridColumns,
                dataSource: dataSource,
                edit: that.onGridEdit,
                // This is required to update the calculated column as soon as user enters/types new values 
                save: function (e) {
                    var dataSource = this.dataSource;
                    that.updateFormulaColumn(e, dataSource);

          "change", function () {
            var grid = $('#' + that.gridProperties.ControlId).data("kendoGrid");


  • Try using dataSource's requestEnd event. You can add an empty row at the end of your data list:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <base href="">
        <style>html { font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }</style>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <div id="example">
        <div id="grid"></div>
            $(document).ready(function() {
                    dataSource: {
                        type: "odata",
                        transport: {
                            read: ""
                        requestEnd: function(e) {
                          e.response.d.results.push({CategoryName: ''});
                    height: 550,
                    filterable: true,
                    sortable: true,
                    pageable: true,
                    columns: [
