This is my sample data
CREATE TABLE customer1
rating int(9),
genre varchar(100),
title varchar(100)
INSERT INTO customer1 (rating, genre, title)
(2, 'A', 'abc'),
(4, 'A', 'abc1'),
(2, 'B', 'abc2'),
(3, 'B', 'abc3'),
(2, 'C', 'abc4'),
(5, 'C', 'abc5');
I need to find the title with max rating in each genre.
Thanks for the help.
One option uses a subquery for filtering:
select c.*
from customer1
where c.rating = (select max(c1.rating) from customer1 c1 where c1.genre = c.genre)
This would take advantage of an index on (genre, rating)
In MySQL 8.0, you can also use window functions:
select *
from (
select c.*,
rank() over(partition by genre order by rating desc) rn
from customer1 c
) c
where rn = 1