I want to join two tables, selecting the most recent rows for an ID value present in table 1.
i.e. For each ID value in table 1, only return the most recently added row for an ID value. For example, table 1 looks something like this:
Columns: ID-value, date-added, other-information
row 1: ID_1, 21/2/2020-12:30, other_newer_information...
row 2: ID_1, 21/2/1990-12:30, other_older_information...
So if the same ID value is found twice in this table, only return the more recent entry, row 1 in the above case.
I then want to join these rows with information present in a second table. e.g. table 2 looks something like this:
Columns: column-present-in-table-1, another-column-present-in-table-1, other-columns
row 1: some_data, some_more_data... additional data
row 2:- some_data, infor_2: some_more_data... additional data
or when first fetching data from table 1From looking elsewhere in StackOverflow the suggestions are things like MAX(date_time)
- but my understanding is that this will only return the maximum date time value, not the most recent row - correct me if I'm wrong.
My query looks something like this:
FROM table_1
INNER JOIN table_2
ON table_1.info_1 = table_2.infor_1
AND table_1.info_2 = table_2.infor_2
WHERE id_1 in ("id1", "id2")
AND info_3 = "10"
GROUP BY id_1, info_1, info_2, info_3, info_4
ORDER BY id_1, id_2, date_time DESC
Other suggestions on StackOverflow: SELECT TOP id_1...min(info_4)
(gives syntax error), ORDER BY id_1... date_time DESC LIMIT 1
(only returns one row - i.e. most recent date time).
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id, ORDER BY date_time) AS 'row_number'
returns a row number, not the most recent row.
So if the same ID value is found twice in my table, only return the more recent entry, row 1 in the above case.
You can use row_number()
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by date_time desc) as seqnum
from mytable t
) t
where seqnum = 1;
I really have no idea what your query has to do with your question. If your "table" is really the result of the query, then just use a CTE or subquery:
with t as (
<your query here>
<query with row_number here>