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OAuth Bug in Apps Script using YouTube Data API

I have used Apps Script successfully on many occasions, and one of the reasons I like it, especially for personal enhancements or projects related to Google Services is just how seamlessly it integrates auth. However, when trying to integrate the YouTube Data API into one of my Google Sheets' Apps Scripts (I am trying to use the sheet to manage a YouTube playlist), I encountered an error that I have never encountered before.

The code is very simple, I am just trying to get some data from a playlist to return to the logger in the context of my Google Sheets Apps Script. Note that this Apps Script belongs to the same account as the YouTube playlist. The OAuth Client Verification docs specifically state:

Note: Verification is not required for Apps Script projects whose owner and users belong to the same Google Workspace domain or customer.

However, when I run my script, the OAuth screen says the app is unverified (this has never happened when I have used any other APIs accessing my own account in Apps Script), and even though I authenticate and it says "Authentication Successful", the script is blocked and it repeatedly (as in forever, in an endless loop) asks me to authenticate again.

Completely at a loss for what is going on. 1.) I shouldn't have to verify this script per the docs I referenced above, and I have never had to before for accessing my own content. 2.) The successful authentication but then failing and repeatedly asking me to authenticate again is driving me mad.

Please advise!

Code is very simple, just trying to get this to return ANYTHING:

const syncVideos = () => {
  let response = YouTube.PlaylistItems.list('snippet,contentDetails', {'playlistId': '<REDACTED>'});


  • Answer: This turned out to not be a code or OAuth issue really, but more of an unintuitive procedure when authenticating, i.e. when authenticating with Google to access one of your channel's data through the YouTube Data API, authenticate with your main channel, even if requesting data from other channels connected to your account.