I am trying to mock a static void method that takes a parameter, SMTPTools.send(Message)
My deps:
I tried:
try (MockedStatic<SMTPTools> smtpToolsMocked = Mockito.mockStatic(SMTPTools.class)) {
smtpToolsMocked.when((msg) -> SMTPTools.send(msg)).thenAnswer((Answer<Void>) invocation -> null);
But it's not even compiling, because
The method when(MockedStatic.Verification) in the type MockedStatic is not applicable for the arguments (( msg) -> {})
But I don't understand why.
Ok it works with:
public void staticTest() throws Exception {
try (MockedStatic<SMTPTools> smtpToolsMocked = Mockito.mockStatic(SMTPTools.class)) {
Message msg = null;
smtpToolsMocked.when((msg) -> SMTPTools.send(msg)).thenAnswer((Answer<Void>) invocation -> null);
smtpToolsMocked.verify(Mockito.times(1), () -> SMTPTools.send(msg));