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How can I call JNIEnv function from Kotlin/Native

jni.h provide this

struct JNINativeInterface_ {
    jint (JNICALL *GetVersion)(JNIEnv *env);

to call it in C can be written as

void test(JNIEnv *env){
    // C
    jint version = (*env)->GetVersion(env);

    // C++
    // jint version = env->GetVersion(); 

and then how can I do it in kotlin?

fun test(env: CPointer<JNIEnvVar>){
    val version = // how?

After searching answer in google there are few example for Kotlin/Native with JNI but they're just basic example please help.

Thanks in advance.


  • Thanks to Michael.

    Long answer is

    fun test(env: CPointer<JNIEnvVar>){
        // getting "JNINativeInterface_" reference from CPointer<JNIEnvVar> by 
        val jni:JNINativeInterface_ = env.pointed.pointed!!
        // get function reference from JNINativeInterface_
        // IntelliJ can help to find existing methods
        val func = jni.GetVersion!! 
        // call a function
        var version = func.invoke(env)
        // above expression can be simplify as
        version = env.pointed.pointed!!.GetVersion!!(env)!!

    hope this can help somebody to understand Kotlin/Native 🙂.