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mutable.Map deep merge

Is there a concise way to deeply merge two mutable maps in Scala?

case class K1(i: Int)
case class K2(i: Int)

def deepMerge(map: mutable.Map[K1, Map[K2, List[Int]]],
              mergee: mutable.Map[K1, Map[K2, List[Int]]]
): Unit = ???



val map = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(1)))
val mergee = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(2)))

deepMerge(map, mergee)
map = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(1, 2)))


val map = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(1)))
val mergee = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(2) -> List(1)))

deepMerge(map, mergee)
map = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(1), K2(2) -> List(1)))


val map = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(1)))
val mergee = mutable.Map(K1(2) -> Map(K2(2) -> List(1)))

deepMerge(map, mergee)
map = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(1)), K1(2) -> Map(K2(2) -> List(1)))

I.e if there are the same key presented in both of the maps then the values the keys correspond to (List[Int]) are merged.

Is there a way to implemented it concisely avoiding lots of checking if the particular key is presented or not in another map? Using FP libs like scalaz or cats is also ok.


  • I'm adding another answer using cats.

    What you're describing is actually the behaviour of cats.Semigroup. So you could just use combine (|+|) operator to deep merge maps:

    import cats.implicits._
    import cats._
    case class K1(i: Int)
    case class K2(i: Int)
    val map = Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(1)))
    val mergee = Map(K1(1) -> Map(K2(1) -> List(2)))
    val deepMerged = map |+| mergee
    println(deepMerged) // HashMap(K1(1) -> HashMap(K2(1) -> List(1, 2)))

    Problem is that cats lib doesn't provide an instance of Semigroup for mutable.Map , but you could derive it from one for immutable:

    import cats.implicits._
    import scala.collection.immutable
    import scala.collection.mutable
    import cats._
    //here I derivive Semigroup instance for mutable.Map from instance for immutable.Map
    implicit def mutableMapSemigroup[K, V: Semigroup]: Semigroup[mutable.Map[K, V]] = Semigroup[immutable.Map[K, V]].imap(c => mutable.Map.from(c))(c => immutable.Map.from(c))
    case class K1(i: Int)
    case class K2(i: Int)
    val map = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> mutable.Map(K2(1) -> List(1)))
    val mergee = mutable.Map(K1(1) -> mutable.Map(K2(1) -> List(2)))
    println(map |+| mergee)

    But keep in mind, this actually converts mutable map to immutable then does merging and then converts back to the mutable map, so it's probably not very efficient.